
Visitors rules

Visitors rules for the Vzlet cultural centre

Ústředna, s.r.o.
Holandská 669/1
101 00 Praha 10 – Vršovice

  1. By purchasing a ticket, the viewer agrees to our flight schedule and the terms and conditions of the Vzlet cultural centre.
  2. All tickets can be purchased online via the website https://vzlet.cz/program or at https://goout.net/. Payment is possible by card or bank transfer.
    1. You can also buy tickets directly at the Vzlet box office, located in the large foyer on the first floor at Holandská 669/1, starting 60 minutes before the event. We accept both cash and card payments, so there’s no need to find an ATM on your way here. If you have booked a ticket, please collect it at least 15 minutes before the event starts. Otherwise, the reservation will be forfeited, and we would regret that.
    2. If you need to cancel or exchange a ticket, please contact e-mail info@goout.cz with vstupenky@vzlet.cz in copy. If possible, we will be happy to accommodate you.
    3. Please check the correctness of the information on the ticket when purchasing. Better safe than sorry!
  3. Every person entering the cultural centre is obliged to check in properly and to present a valid ticket. Visitors under the age of 12 may only move around the building accompanied by an adult. Teachers or other accompanying adults are responsible for their school groups.
  4. The program is subject to change, not only in case of adverse weather conditions.
  5. Admission will be refunded only in the event of a cancelled performance and unless otherwise specified. Information will be issued from the cockpit by the captain and the management of the Vzlet cultural centre.
  6. If the performance is cancelled, we will gladly exchange your tickets for another date following the instructions provided by the management of the cultural centre.
  7. Spectators are obliged to pick up clothes and bags stored in the dressing room immediately or no later than 30 minutes after the end of the performance. We will be happy if you stop by the Vzlet Café after picking up your belongings from the cloakroom to quench your thirst following the cultural experience.
  8. The ticketholder acknowledges that an audiovisual recording may be made during or in connection with the performance. In connection with this, the ticketholder agrees that their likeness may be captured. At the same time, they grant the cultural centre and third parties permission to use such audiovisual recording for promotional purposes. P.S. We will only publish photos where you look good.
  9. Making audio-video recordings during the performance is prohibited. You can find professional photos and videos on our website.
  10. During the performance, visitors are required to put their mobile phones in flight mode, i.e. turn off the volume.
  11. Access to the actors’ dressing rooms, technical facilities, offices and cleaning areas is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, Marcelka will scold you!
  12. Visitors are required to behave during the performance in a manner that does not disturb the performers or other spectators.
  13. Entry to the Vzlet cultural centre is at your own risk. Be advised that some shows are highly addictive.
  14. Every person entering the building is required to behave in a manner that prevents damage to the building or its equipment, ensuring that Vzlet remains intact for the next 102 years. We also request cleanliness and order in the vicinity of the Vzlet cultural centre. Most importantly, please maintain quiet after 10:00 p.m.
  15. The operator reserves the right to deny entry or remove any individual who is under the influence of alcohol, narcotics or other psychotropic substances. Additionally, individuals exhibiting inappropriate behaviour may also be refused entry or asked to leave.
  16. It’s best to leave dogs, parrots, chinchillas or other pets at home. Visitors are prohibited from bringing animals into the show, except for assistance dogs for individuals with physical disabilities.
  17. In the Vzlet cultural centre, you are allowed to consume food and drinks purchased on-site. However, selling alcoholic beverages to individuals under the age of 18 on the premises is strictly prohibited. While food and drinks are not permitted on the balconies of the large hall, at least from there you can enjoy a beautiful view of the entire hall.
  18. If personal items are forgotten in the cultural centre during a performance, the item (if found by the staff) will be safely stored for one month in the black box of Vzlet’s “lost and found”.
  19. The operator of the Vzlet cultural centre and the event organizer do not assume any responsibility for the loss or theft of items by other persons, except for those items placed in designated areas for safekeeping (locker rooms). Rest assured, nothing will fly away from here.
  20. We will be happy to kindle the love of culture in your hearts, but otherwise open fire is prohibited, and smoking is completely forbidden in all areas of the Vzlet cultural centre. Please take your cigarette and conversation to the table in front of the café.
  21. In the event of a building evacuation, you won’t find a life jacket under your seats, but our staff will assist you. Every person in the building is required to adhere to the evacuation plan and follow the instructions of the authorized personnel managing the evacuation.
  22. Anyone who notices a defect in the premises or equipment of the Vzlet cultural centre that threatens the safety of persons is obliged to immediately report the defect to an authorized person. We also ask you to report defects and problems that could lead to damage to the property of the cultural centre. Don’t forget to let us know if you liked the cultural event.
  23. In case of injury to any person, anyone who observes this occurrence is obligated to notify an authorized person or employee. The operator is not responsible for damages to the property and health of visitors if they are caused by the irresponsible actions of other individuals present.
  24. So that everyone can take off for culture, the area of the cultural centre is barrier-free. Visitors with reduced mobility are advised to:
    1. use the first rows of the auditorium to watch the performance,
    2. be accompanied by someone who will be physically able to assist in the evacuation of a person with limited mobility,
    3. arrive no later than 30 minutes before the start of the performance,
    4. inform Vzlet employees about the need for assistance when entering the large hall. (Use the side staircase on Norská Street to enter. Vzlet will provide the assistance of a staff member to help individuals with limited mobility get into the premises and out after the performance.),
    5. usable bathroom facilities for people with limited mobility are located in the main hall.

The flight rules enter into force on 1 January 2024.

It wouldn't have been possible without help

Vzlet realizuje projekty Cyklus vzdělávacích koncertů pro děti ve vršovické kulturní křižovatce Vzlet, reg.č. 0213000097, zaměřený na vzdělávání dětí v oblasti převážně klasické hudby formou koncertů s participací publika a workshopů pro rodiče a děti, založeném na metodě Valentiana a Webdesign a UI/UX webových stránek vzlet.cz/reg.č. 0380001072, zaměřený na vytvoření nového webdesignu a UX/UI řešení existujících internetových stránek kulturního centra Vzlet - www.vzlet.cz.

Vzlet - networking a vzdělávání v zahraničí, reg.č. 0314000092, zaměřený na navázání a prohlubování profesních mezinárodních vztahů žadatele a na rozvoj kompetencí jednotlivých pracovníků Vzletu jednak skrze členství v Trans Europe Halles a účasti na jejích pravidelných konferencích, ale také skrze výjezdy pracovníků na krátké pracovní stáže.